Close-up : Events, an additional source of revenue
In a constantly changing sector, remaining competitive and diversifying your business is a real challenge for every entrepreneur. This is why events represent new opportunities for growth. With a clientele that varies from the general public to professionals, additioned at a constantly increasing need, offering reception offer is a real point of differentiation on the market. Throughout the year, whether for a birthday, a wedding, a profesional seminar or a private cocktail, new development perspectives are possible to increase your turnover.
In constant search for the best innovations, Fedipat® has selected for you a range of sweet and savoury products in several formats : verrines, mignardises, cocktail pieces, skewers, canapés, etc. Which one will you fall for ?
Our sweet selection :

Tray of 48 small petits fours essential choux pastry
ref. 9727

Tray of 48 petits fours Paris - New York
ref. 9730

Tray of 48 sweet haute couture petits fours
ref. 9729

Tray of 48 mini moelleux
ref. 9503
Our salty selection :

Assortment of mini shortcrust pastry quiches
ref. 9731

Tray of 45 mini cheese burgers
ref. 9620

Tray of 24 mini bagels of salted brioches
ref. 6083

Tray of 48 Constance canapés
ref. 6066
To help you differentiate yourself of concurrence, our chef has created sweet mignardises recipes based on our vanilla square tartlet bases (ref. 9752), chocolate flavour (ref. 9754) and vanilla cones (ref. 9749). Gourmet and summer recipes that will certainly make a difference! Discover our recipes for sweet mignardises and try to reproduce them in your shop.
Do you need information on our reception products? Do you simply want to place an order?
Contact us or get in touch with your regular salesman.