Discover our 2024-2025 Guide !
Dear customers,
In a world where economic, environmental and social challenges can be a source of growth opportunities but also of tensions, Fedipat® is refocusing more than ever on its founding values which, for 20 years, have made its Brands successful with you .

Our strengths lie in:
1 You, Dear Customer : which are at the heart of Fedipat®. Thus, in 2023 we have invested massively in our future digital tools which will improve our relationship with You in the coming years. Our sales teams will gradually inform you of these deployments over the course of the year.
2 The Taste for Innovation : Fundamental value of our corporate culture. Innovation at your service is a growth engine, an accelerator of additional turnover, a margin booster as well as a marker of differentiation.
3 The Quest for quality: Our Quality department attaches great importance to product conformity. For this, it is important to remind you that the latter rigorously tests all our references and more particularly our Brands. Thus, this daily work, fueled by your feedback, guarantees you the most regular quality.
4 Passion for the best: Our Research & Development team is constantly creating new products that meet the expectations of your consumers and which also take into account your requirements in terms of simplicity and speed of implementation. All this creation is put to the test regularly by tasting panels.
In this spirit, Fedipat® is pleased to present its 68 new products to you, including :
- Our innovative Brookie to support street food trends
- Our variation of tiramisu with pistachio tiramisu and Limoncello tiramisu
- Our ready-to-use products such as salads, paninis and sandwiches
- Our local products with Fourme d’Ambert fougasse and our Appel Strudel
- Our new mandarin lime eclair with a fruity flavor
So don't wait any longer, contact your sales advisor so that they can help you discover and select your products. Always present at your side, we listen to your needs to help you meet your daily challenges and thank you for your loyalty.
The Fedipat® team