Close-up : the organic bread market in France
9 french people of 10 consume organic products and this consumption increases each year by almost 18%. Driven by this growth the traditional sectors are shaking, the French organic market reached 7.9 billion euros in 2017, 4.4% of the total consumption of agricultural and food products. In addition, 76% of organic products consumed in France are "Made in France", a growing trend, particularly in the bakery sector.

The bakery sector is a leader in the organic market. After experiencing rather modest growth (9% on average) between 2012 and 2016, the figure exploded between 2016 and 2017 (+ 20%) along with the number of outlets, particularly the cooking terminals. In keeping with the strong trend of Made in France consumption of organic products, 89% of organic bakery products are also produced in France. At the top of the points of sale are Organic markets (44%) and supermarkets (38%), far ahead of artisanal shops (12%) and direct sales (6%). Group catering is also a very good customer for organic bread : in 2015, 38% of restaurants that introduced organic products said they offered fresh bread and 6% frozen bread.

Fedipat® understands that organic sector is one of today's major challenges, which is why we have selected for you a bakery range of organic products manufactured in France that will meet the expectations and needs of consumers

Baguette Honorine® Bio ref.M9504

Baguette Bio ref.9706

Boule Bio ref.M9249

Pain complet Bio ref.9701
Did you know ?
To sale organic products, stores must be certified by an audit and be controlled by a certifying organisation such as Ecocert, Certipaq Bio, etc. The cost of this audit is between € 200 and € 500 depending on the number of product references and suppliers. The audit will have to be renewed on the indicated anniversary date and you will have to show at the organisation a material counting accompanied by a proof. Counting must take into account quantities of products purchased, quantities of products sold and quantities of products discarded. Once the audit is completed, the certificate must be displayed in the store. Rest assured, the certification organisation put a support advice to help you in the store’s certification process.
More information on
Sources : 2017 and 2016 Reports of Organic Agency,