Celebrate Pancake Day in fitting style!
If Pancake Day is renowned for its costumes and carnivals, it is equally renowned for its gourmet sweets we like to enjoy on this occasion. Pancakes, doughnuts, waffles… There is something for every taste! And because Pacake Day’s celebrations last a couple of days, and even a couple of weeks, there is nothing more than offering your clients a selection of delicious products, which can be tasted all day long, throughout the month of March .

Crêpe sucrée ref. M2027

Crêpe sucrée Grand-Mère® ref. M2249

Beignet nature ref. M2387

Beignet chocolat noisette ref. M2388

Beignet abricot ref. M2390

Beignet pomme ref. M2391

Gaufre de Bruxelles ref. M4174

Gaufre liégoise ref. M4271
In order to help you differentiate your Pancake Day offer, our chef prepared a generous recipe based on our sugary pancakes (ref. M2027): the chocolate and caramelised apple pancakes cake. Ideal for an “on plateˮ service through lunch or snacking offers, the pancakes cake is a gourmet solution which will make a difference for your consumers. Find out more about our chocolate and caramelised apple pancakes cake and try to replicate it at your point of sale
And for a Pancake Day meal, find out our sea pancakes cake recipe, based on our buckwheat pancakes (ref. M9338), perfect for meal or snacking offers, served on a plate with a small side salad.
More about our Pancake Day special offers? Place an order?
Please contact us or your regular salesman.